AprThe amazing weather here in Sunny Ballycastle recently isn’t the only reason our design team have been particularly chirpy recently. We finally took delivery of our new suite of iMacs. And they are a joy to behold – which is handy since the lads spend about 8 hours a day staring at them. They really are a beautiful piece of kit. But this isn’t an advertorial for our friends in Cupertino.
As well as being a typically Apple-esque feat of design, the new iMacs allow us to run Creative Cloud and all our software applications that bit better. Which in turn means the work we are producing for our clients will be that much better. And that’s where the true product benefit comes in.
Like we find with many of our clients, as a small business it can be a challenge to re-invest in our business. But when we see the improvements in the service we offer and the positive response we get from our customers, then its clear that its money well spent.